Totally Random #12

Last night I was driving home when a crazy person started following.

I was sitting a stop light when the guy in the truck next to me screamed at me in some African language.  (He was very obviously African.)  I had no idea who this man was.  He was looking at me expectantly like I was supposed to say something to him, but 1.  I don’t speak African and 2. I don’t know who this guy is.

The light turned green so I drove off.  Crazy African Man decides to get behind me and start tailgating me while laying on his horn.  I’m like, WTF?  I start to speed up to get away from him but he sped up to keep up with me.  He started flashing his lights and waving his hands trying to get my attention.  This goes on for like half a mile, with me racing up through red lights so I won’t have to stop with this lunatic behind me.

Now I am almost home but I don’t want to go home because I dont’ want Crazy African Man to follow me there.  Then he tries to pull up next to me again and he is screaming at me in whatever language he speaks.  I’m just staring at him.  He is just going on and on and on.  I don’t answer him because I have no idea what he’s saying.

Then the asshole stops and says, “Oh wait a minute.  You’re not Lisa.  I thought you were my friend.”  And he just drives off.

What the fuck?  Okay, seriously, the guy follows me for about 10 minutes and then he decides I’m not the person he thought I was?  Wouldn’t he know what kind of car his friend drives?  Or was that a coincidence too?  And anyway, say I was his friend, do you normally tailgate people, scream at them and blare your horn at someone who is supposedly you friend?
