Cubicle Death #16: Answer the Damn Phone!

So, I work in an area where there are several offices.  All of these offices are not related.  In general, we have no idea what is going on in each other’s office.  Oh, and by the way, the offices are not separated by walls.  It’s just a bunch of desks, a low cubicle wall and some more desks, a low cubicle wall and some other desks.

The office that is across from mine is a military office.  In addition to all their paperwork, they also have military tasks.  They have to do PT in the morning.  They have to go to the weapons range.  They have to do a lot of military things, so they aren’t always in their office.

They have a loud ass ringing phone that is incredibly annoying when there is no one to answer it.  Occasionally, because I cannot stand the sound of the phone I will answer it and leave a message for them.  When they are in the office they pick up on the first ring so it’s not problem.

This morning, they are out of the office.  Who knows where they are.  The phone starts ringing.  And ringing.  And ringing.  And ringing.  And ringing.  Whoever is calling must be calling all the different numbers associated with the office, not realising that even though there are four numbers for every office, all the numbers ring the same damn phone.

The phone has been ringing non-stop for 30 minutes.  It’s aggravating.  But what makes it more aggravating?  One of the military personnel comes into the office and sits down.  Presumably, he is waiting for the people who actually work there to come back.  The phone is ringing.  He just stares at it.  The phone rings continually for about five minutes.  Everyone in my office is starting to get irritated.  Even the office on the other side of ours is like, “Whose phone is that?”  The military guy is staring at the phone.

I’m like, “Could you please answer the phone?”

He says….

.… wait for it…….

………………………wait for it………………………….

“I would, but I don’t know how to use it.”

What the fuck do you mean, you don’t know how to use a phone?  I got so mad that I couldn’t even respond to such a stupid statement.  There is another military office on the other side of my office and the guy that works in there is pretty high ranking.  He gets up out of his desk and walks all the way across the hallway to the young military guy and the loud ass ringing phone.

“Do you work over here?”

“Yes, I do.”

“Can you answer the phone?”

“I would, but I don’t know how.”

“You pick up the receiver and say ‘hello.’  And then you take a message if you’re not able to help them.  It’s very easy.”

We do not have any special phones over here.  No, they aren’t like your average house phone but it’s like any office where you have multiple lines.  You pick up the receiver and press the flashing light (that’s the line that’s ringing) and then you say, “Hello.”  How hard is that?  Well, we don’t say ‘hello,’ but you get my meaning.  It’s not rocket fucking science.

This jackass will sit there and let the phone ring for ten minutes straight because he claims he does not know how to use a phone.  Really?  Really??????  Where do they get these people!?!!?

Cubicle Death #15: Punching Co-Workers in the Face

So I guess if I want to keep my job I can’t really punch my co-workers in the face, can I?  That’s just too bad because some of them really need a good punch in the face.  Was there some kind of memo that gave certain co-workers the right to act like smug bitches?  If there was, I must have missed it.

I took the day off yesterday because I have a right to do that.  If I had been thinking right, I would have come in yesterday and taken today since today is a snow day.  I think I’m the only person in this whole stupid state that doesn’t mind the snow.  I think if you take your time and prepare adequately it isn’t that big a deal.  I also live less then ten minutes away from the office.  During snow, it may take me 20 minutes.  It’s really not that big a deal.

So I come to work this morning to find that the building is closed due to snow.  My co-worker is like, “What are you doing here?”  Uhm, working?  What are you doing here?  She goes into this thing about how the building is closed and I was like, “Well, there is only about two inches of snow outside.  I live three miles away.  If my broke down car can get here, I don’t see what the problem is.”

I sat down at my desk and started checking emails.  She is a person who has to get her point across.  She starts muttering about how she would not be “pressed” to do anything that was dangerous.  She goes on and on as if there was 15 inches of snow outside in gale force winds.  When I don’t respond, she asks me what the mission critical policy states for our office.  My office is 24 hours.  Someone has to be here at all times.  I told her if you get to the end of your shift and nobody is here you have to stay.  However, since I am here and nobody comes you can leave.  She looks at me like I’m crazy.

Granted, I do not do the work she does.  I would not be able to assist our customers but I know how to take a message.  And if things get really serious, we call the supervisor.  Just like anything.  I gave her this blank look and she makes this comment about how people don’t take things seriously enough.  Bitch, you don’t have any idea what I take seriously and what I don’t.  Just because I am looking at you like you’re a piece of shit doesn’t mean I don’t take the situation seriously.  Didn’t I just say that I would take over for you in the even no one shows up?  How serious is that?  If I didn’t care, I would not have responded.  Since the building is closed I could take my happy ass home, if I didn’t take it seriously.

Then like an asshole she tries to dismiss me by turning her back on me.  I don’t give a damn.  I don’t think that highly of her to have been offended.  It was just a stupid thing to do.  But people like that feel they must keep digging into a situation.  Two minutes later she comes up to me and asks me oh-so-p0litely to fix her schedule for next rotation.  Oh, after you just insulted me now you want me to do something for you?  How about I punch you in the face first?

But no, if I did that, I would be wrong.  I need to find one of those jobs where I work in a dark hole by myself.  If you know anybody that’s hiring for a such a position, please let me know so I can get my resume together.

Totally Random #15

To try not to fall asleep at my desk, I get up and go for a walk around the building.  When the weather is warm, I walk outside and if I go around twice that’s almost two miles.  Because it is cold, I have to walk around in the basement.  There are several elevators in the building.  Most of them are freight elevators, so the construction guys can move all their cargo.  Then there are the passenger elevators which mostly disabled people use.

The freight elevators anybody can use, but the passenger elevators have big signs that say:


As I was doing my hourly walk around the building I passed a passenger elevator.  I noticed that someone had scratched all the letters off the sign so that it read:


I thought that was funny.

Cubicle Death #14: You’ve Got Mail

I took five days off work for the Thanksgiving holiday.  Before I left work, I cleared my inbox and deleted all unnecessary emails.  I don’t like having email clutter so I keep it carefully organised.

I returned to work this Monday to discover that I had 728 new emails.

Seven-hundred twenty-eight emails.

Really.  And who thinks I’ll be reading all 728 emails?  If you said “no one” you’re a winner.  I didn’t even read one.  I didn’t even bother to look to see who they were from.

Select all.  Delete.

Do you really want to permanently delete all selected messages?

Yes, I do.  Thank you and have a nice day.  I figure if it’s that important whoever emailed me will just email me back.  And if it’s not that serious they’ll have forgotten they emailed me in the first place.  I can’t believe I had that any emails in my box when I came back to work.  It doesn’t seem like I get that many messages over the course of five working days.  But you know, on top of that, here’s the true mystery:  who the hell was emailing me like that across the holiday?  Most of the offices go down to minimised work force.  You don’t need everybody on staff during the holidays and weekends.

I hope it wasn’t anything serious but like I just said:  they’ll email me back or they won’t bother.  Either way I ain’t reading 728 emails.

Cubicle Death #13: You Stink!

We all have this type of person in the office:  the one who dresses way above his salary, gets her hair and nails done every week, always has on the exact outfit advertised on the mannequin at the local department store… the one who wears half a bottle of cologne to the office and then sprays the other half on as soon as he sits down at his desk.

I have a very keen nose.  I can smell everything.  When I walk past people I get whiffs of hair spray, cologne, perfume, body odour, the coffee they spilled, anything.  There’s this guy in my office who insists on hosing himself down with his cologne before he leaves the office for the day.  My office is 24 hours.  Someone is always here.  He is leaving as I come in.  He’ll stand around and gab with the new shift coming and then he’ll reach into his bag and pull out some cheap .99 parfume de couer and start spraying himself down.  Not one squirt, or two, or even three, but at least 10-12 times.  He will spray around his collar, on his wrists, up his shirt, down the back of his shirt, and around his hair.

The office immediately becomes clouded up with the stench of whatever cologne he wears.  I wonder why he is spraying himself like that only to leave the office.  If he’s going home to his wife/girlfriend/dog/whatever, why can’t he spray himself in his car or right before he gets to where ever he is going?

He will sit there and lay on the cologne and leave and the office is filled with the raunch stench of his cologne for hours after he is gone.  It is like he wants us to remember him until he returns for his next shift.  I asked my manager to speak to him because I just couldn’t take it anymore, but she cited some kind of regulation that forbade her from speaking to him about that particular issue.  So basically he can offend everybody else and we’re not allowed to say anything, and I’m not the only one complaining.  Other people have come into the office like, “What the fuck is that smell?”  Or “Someone should tone down the cologne.”

The sad part is that the cologne is very cheap.  It smells like rubbing alcohol and dead flowers and it has this pungent aroma that just lingers in the air like factory run off.

But you know, cheap cologne is one thing… what about people who come to the office with superior body odour?

So I mentioned last week that I ran a 5K at my job.  Well, before you say anything, let me explain something to you.  If you bathe regularly, doing a simple aerobic exercise isn’t going to make you smell like week old goat cheese.  You might be a little murky, a little warm but you aren’t going to stank like you’ve been fermenting in a vat of milk and vinegar.

After I finished the race, I was headed over to the registration tables to turn in my chips and get some post-race refreshments, I passed this guy who smelled so bad that everything he passed died in his wake.  There was literally a cloud of filthy despair hanging over him.  And it was powerful too, like some unseen force from hell.  He was so stank that I could not cross him.  There was a barrier of stench preventing me from passing him.  I had to go all the way around just to get where I was trying to go because he smelled so bad I thought that Satan had erupted from the depths of hell in a bubbling froth of vulgarity.

A very fast runner finishes a 5K in about 20 minutes.  A very slow runner will do it in an hour.  The day was very mild, perhaps 60 degrees.  There wasn’t much sun.  Doing an hour’s worth of work doesn’t cause you to smell like something crawled up your ass and died.  The sad part was that there were several people who had extreme body odour after the race, women too!  How can you smell that bad.  This means you haven’t had a bath in weeks, maybe even months.  Or maybe you just get in the tub and let the water run on you but you don’t use soap or any type of cleaning agent.

I know that some people are like bathing everyday isn’t necessary, and I agree with you but when you smell like a bacon wrapped shit stick you should never miss a shower.  And don’t give me that crap about being natural.  Yes, I believe in that too but that type of smell should never be associated with the human body.

And then when the race festivities were over, a lot of people just went back to their offices in their stankin’ ass running clothes, or worse, they went and put on their suits on top of that putrescence.  I brought a little wash cloth so I could clean the sweat off me and I refreshed my deodorant.  This may not be good enough for some people but I am proud to say that I didn’t just come back to my office with sweaty ass crack.  I also bathe frequently so I don’t have pre-existing body odour.

That is the point I’m trying to make.  Please stop coming to the office smelling like a boiling lake of sulphur.  Please stop drowning yourself in your .99 CVS brand perfume.  Just take a shower every now and again, wash your greasy ass hair, and lay off the hair products.  And we’ll all get along just fine.

Cubicle Death #12: Office Music

It’s 7:15AM and my co-worker is blaring Gospel music at his desk.

At this hour of the morning, it is fairly quiet in the building.  Only about 20% of the workforce is in yet.  In our particular office, it’s just me, him and the girl who answers the phones.  So it’s kinda quiet over here.  I was just minding my business, reading the news when I hear “Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssssssssuuuuuuuuuuuuuuussssssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!” Since he is the uber-Christian, I knew it had to be him.

Don’t get me wrong.  I love the Lord just as much as anybody else, but I don’t like Gospel music.  A group of black people screaming “Jesus” and “Hallelujah!” into a microphone is not really singing.  On top of all that, this is an office not a church.  Since we do not have the benefit of having our own offices with doors, you should probably invest in some headphones because I’m not in the mood right now.


Cubicle Death #11: Random Office Conversations

So, I’ve already talked about what you shouldn’t wear in the office, but I don’t think I’ve ever covered what you shouldn’t say in the office.

Let’s go over some random conversations I happened overhear during my meander through the hallways.

Yeah, if you would have been a good boy you would have gotten laid.
-Older frumpy woman with bad haircut and 1990s bangs

I was coming from the cafeteria when I heard that one.

Girl to co-worker as she is dialling on the phone:  Yeah, he called me a slut!
Person on phone:  [unintelligible]
Girl:  Oh, no, not you.  Wow.  I didn’t know the phone call would go through that fast.

I was sitting at my desk listening to two women talk about some guy they work with.

My wife said she wants to get breast implants, but I’m not sure if I like that.  Maybe if she gets a triple E.
-Man in stairwell

I was on my way outside for some fresh air, when I overheard this man in the stairwell talking to two other guys and some lady.  Seriously, these are three random conversations I happened upon.

Of course, there are certain conversations that don’t belong in the office, but even if your conversation is totally appropriate, you may want to consider whether you should speak at all.  Sometimes the very sound of your voice can be annoying to your co-workers.  Repeating things nonsensically or talking in an unnecessarily loud voice should be avoided at all costs.

In my office there are there offices if you understand what I’m saying.  Like I said, it’s just a huge ass room with some cubicles in it, but different sections represent different departments.  In the department across from mine is an annoying asshole who likes to repeat idiotic things over and over in an unnecessarily loud obnoxious voice.

For example:

Joran van der Sloot is verrrrrrrrrrrrrry bad.

[two minutes later]

Joran van der Sloot is verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry bad.

[one minute later]

Joran van der Sloot is reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllly bad.

[two minutes later]

The FBI is baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad.

[a minute later]

I wanna be compensated by BP.

[two minutes later]

I want some money from BP.

[30 seconds later]

Can I get some money from BP.

One of my co-workers, a mild-mannered older gentleman turned around and said, “Why the hell is he continually repeating himself over and over?  I want him to shut up!”

We have flat screen TVs in the office with a news channel on, and you know the top stories in the news right now are Joran van der Sloot (The Natalee Holloway guy) and the BP oil spill gusher.  We already hear from the news what is going on, do we need an echo in here?  I don’t think so.

Please do not be an annoying co-worker or someone like me might blog about you and say really bad things about you like, “Please die at your earliest possible convenience.  Thanks, management.”

Cubicle Death #10

Lately, I’ve been a lot more chummy at work than I normally am.  Having my learned my lesson from working on the plantation–I mean, TSA, I have since taken a very “Swiss approach” to things.  I sit in the corner, pretending I don’t exist whilst proclaiming to be very neutral about everything.  I try hard not to make friends or enemies.  I just don’t want to talk to anybody.  I don’t even want anybody to know my name. 

This was kind of difficult at First Job After TSA because it was customer-service oriented.  Second Job After TSA was easier to be unnoticeable.  Third Job After TSA I didn’t even start warming up to my co-workers until two weeks before I qut.  Now, I’m six months into the job at Fourth Job After TSA, and I’m finally starting to learn some of my co-workers’ names. 

In my last Cubicle Death blog, I introduced you to some of my stranger co-workers.  These guys are gads smarter than I’ll ever be, but their personalities leaves much to be desired, as it does with most people of singular intelligence.  Not to say they’re assholes or anything like that, they’re just… weird.

Creepy Stare At You From Over the Cubicle Wall Guy has been flirting with me in this bizarre manner.  Never mind the fact that he’s about 25 years older than me, but he also hints that he’s gay.  If he is gay, then why does he turn on the Super Wal-Mart Salesman Charm every time I see him?  Then he lingers by my desk when I’m actually trying to work.  He tells me repeatedly that I’m his hero and he wants to be like me when he grows up.  Uhm, okay?  Today, he showed up at my desk with a Lean Cuisine and asked me if I was going out to lunch.  When I told him I didn’t eat out to lunch on Fridays because I always have dinner out instead, he walked away a little bit disgruntled, but came back to my desk six more times trying to convince me that it would be a great day to have Thai food.  I handed him the menu but he was like, “I wanted to go out to eat.”  I may go out and buy food a lot, but I don’t actually sit in the restaurant when I order out to lunch.  The only time I ever do that is with SF and this 6’4 knock-kneed, gap-toothed behemoth doesn’t look anything like she does.

I guess I’m kind of cranky today because I didn’t get to have my early morning nap.  On days that I come to work early, I have myself a 15 minute power nap at my desk just to get charged up for the work day.  The guys in my office like to come in late.  Most of them don’t arrive until 9.  There’s only one guy who beats me into the office, Mr. I Have A Body Function Control Problem.  Seriously, this guy cannot control his bodily functions.  First, he breathes like he’s drowning.  He sucks in his breath, holds it, and then lets it out in this great big whoosh and then sucks the air back up like he’s been in outer space without a space suit.  And he does this quite rhythmically.  For breakfast he has several pieces of fruit:  some pears, an apple and a few bananas, all of which he slurps and smacks up.  I think he eats too fast because about 15 minutes later he’ll start belching and farting.


And they aren’t delicate belches.  It’s like BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRPPPPPPP!  and then he’ll pass gas at the same time and then say “excuse me,” like he’s surprised it came out, yet he does it almost every morning!  What is wrong with you!  That is the reason I couldn’t have a nap because his rhapsody of bodily functions was particularly loud this morning.  And then just when I was getting settled down, here comes I Like the Sound of My Own Voice and I’ll Just Shout Down the Telephone So Everyone Can Hear How Poorly I Speak Guy

Oh, my God, seriously.  It is insane.  The other day I was in a meeting with this guy and he had to give a presentation.  He really likes listening to himself speak but he doesn’t actually speak very well.  He has a lot of “uhm….,” “ehh,” and “you know…” and then he’s the type to laugh as if he’s said something horribly funny, but it isn’t a full laugh, it’s more like a stifled chuckle like he’s bemused at his own lack of intelligence.  This guy comes into the office a little earlier than he normally does and he makes a phone call.  At that hour of the morning, around 745, there’s only me and Body Functions Guy.  I Love My Own Voice calls up his colleague and has this unnecessarily loud telephone conversation for about 45 minutes.  But the crazy thing is as more and more people started coming into the office, his voice actually got quieter.  I’m thinking to myself, there were two people in this office who were working in relative quiet for the past hour (despite the punctuation of farts and burps) , don’t you think we would appreciate the continued silence!?  Thanks.

I’m also getting to know Strange Foreign Man Who Has Poor Command of English.  I guess he’s bored or something, and he’s been wandering around the office staring over people’s shoulders as they work.  He started talking to me the other day; and it’s really quit sad because I can’t understand a word he’s saying.  I just smile and nod and hope he’ll go away.  Yesterday he told me that if he were president he wouldn’t allow anybody to own guns.  Then he said he would bomb all of Afghanistan so he could kill the bad guys.  When I asked him about the good people, the innocent children that would be in the way, he said, “Oh, yeah… Uh, I don’t know.” 


We started talking about politics and stuff because the conversation had taken a very heavy toll yesterday.  We started talking about funerals and final wishes.  I went to a funeral yesterday and it seemed kind of… I don’t know.  Anyway, I said that before we all die we should make sure that our final wishes are granted.  My immediate co-worker Mr Personality So Funny Ha-Ha said that when he died he wanted his stomach turned into a mint bowl. He also wouldn’t mind having a bowl of chips and dip placed in his hand.  He said his would be the only funeral where the attendees would receive bats and they could take turns beating the corpse after the eulogy, just to get out any frustration.  After the beating of the corpse, he would be wrapped in Saran and shot out of a canon.

These are the people I work with.

Cubicle Death #9: Meet My Co-Workers

So I’ve been on my new job for a few months now, and seriously, compared to jobs I’ve had in the past, I have almost no complaints.  My father even made note of this.  He asked me how I was getting on at my new position, and I said it was fine.  He said, “It must be, because you never talk about it.”  I guess he’s comparing it to the time when I worked on the plantation–I mean, TSA, and cried on the phone to him almost every night about how I wanted to commit public suicide.

I just finished reading a CareerBuilder article about strange things overheard in the office and wacky co-workers.  It doesn’t matter what type of job you have, whether you’re a manual labourer or a white collar worker, you’re always going to have wacky ass co-workers.  Hell, you might even be the wacky ass co-worker.  I think I am, sometimes.

I currently work in an office with rows of cubicles.  My co-workers are all techies.  They do computer stuff with computer things, most of which I do not have a hope of understanding.  Many of them are technically smart.  I would say this group of co-workers is not as colourful and interesting as my fellow field hands–I mean, co-workers from TSA.  They are not assholes like some of the jerks I worked with at That Other Job, though. I ‘ll say that.  But they are an interesting group.  I am one of three females in the office; the other two I don’t see very much.

So, let’s see, let me introduce you to these people.  Although there are four cubes in my row, there’s only one other co-worker.  That’s Loud-Talking, Everything Is Funny, Super Laugh Out Loud guy.  Seriously, he talks like we’re on a flight line in the middle of a windstorm and a full-on orchestra is playing in the background.  From shouting down the telephone to giving instructions to his subordinates, everything is shouted.  When he laughs, the entire room shakes, because it’s so boisterous and loud. 

Across from me is Smacky Lip, Loud Talking So In Love With His Wife.  He’s a nice Jewish guy, but he also talks unnecessarily loud, particularly when he is on the phone with his wife.  When he calls her he sounds like he’s in a Hallmark commercial.  I would swear to God that it’s totally fake and it’s all an act, but he comes to the office VERY early in the morning, when everybody else comes in quite late.  I walked in one morning and nobody else was here; he was already on the phone with his wife, still talking in that sweet, sugary, tooth-decaying voice.  I call him Smacky Lip because he eats several pieces of fruit for breakfast each morning, and even though I cannot see him, I can hear him from across the cubicle wall.  He slurps up each piece of fruit and then smacky, smacky, smacky until he is done eating.  He also has a tendency to sigh repeatedly like he just found a dead puppy. 

Next to him is Black Lung Cancer Cough of Death Overly Obese Man.  This guy really cracks me up.  He is quite overweight, poor thing.  No, this is not a harrangue against fat people, but he is obviously is very poor health.  He coughs like he was a coal miner for 15 years before he took an office job.  He coughs so hard that I really feel like a black lung is about to pop out of his chest.  Sometimes I feel like I need to call 911, because he will start coughing and just keep going, until he turns purple and I’m like, “Oh God, I don’t know CPR, so please don’t die.”  So you would think a guy of his immense stature and obvious poor health would try to do something to improve upon his circumstances, but no, everyday he talks about the quality of the food in the cafeteria.  I don’t care where you work, cafteria food is never that good. He’s always going on about how they use sub-standard cheese, and they only give you two pepperoni on the pizza and why do they mix lima beans and corn together.  If the food is that bad, maybe you should bring your own.  It might help you lose a little bit of weight and maybe that rancid cough will go away.

There is also Really Angry, Disgruntled Co-Worker Man.  I’m seriously scared this guy is going to shoot up the office.  Okay, maybe not that drastic but this guy does need a shrink, stat.  He is always angry about something.  Everything is a major catastrophe and a personal affront to his character.  He comes to work with an expression like he just beat his wife, or maybe she beat him and that’s why he’s mad.  He stares at his computer screen like it just whispered an ethnic slur at him.  He bangs away at his keyboard all day long, shouts into his telephone at some “incompetent” worker.  When they decided to move our desks around, he took it as a personal attack.  Then he ranted throughout the office at how people were always out to get him.  On Thanksgiving Eve, he called his daughter and told her he was working until 9PM.  I heard from another co-worker that he does this all the time, but it’s not really necessary because we’re not swamped like that.  I have no idea what this guy’s problem is, but he is a time bomb ready to blow.

Across from his Foreign Brand New to USA and Civilisation Guy.  This guy is a trip.  He’s from some obscure country in Asia and his English is quite terrible. I  can understand him but other people in the office have a difficult time.  Apparently Foreign Brand New to USA and Civilisation Guy thought that Hallowe’en occurs EVERY Thursday.  He’s been going around the office repeating dirty jokes someone told him, without a clue that some of the things he’s been saying were really offensive.  He has no idea that some things are not said in mixed company.  Someone had to take him aside and let him know.  I was dying laughing because he looked really embarrassed.  Apparently, he’s been telling his pervy jokes to a number of people everywhere and no one has bothered to clue him in.  Guess you didn’t get the memo, buddy.  He also told Black Lung Cancer Cough of Death Overly Obese Man that he didn’t have to worry about being cold because he had an extra layer of insulation.  Black Lung Cancer Man of Death Overly Obese Man said, “Are you trying to insinuate something about my weight?”  Foreign Brand New to USA and Civilisation Guy says, “Yes, you have some extra to keep you warm.”  Another guy in the office had to tell him that people don’t usually go around pointing out that people are extra fat.  Foreign Brand New to USA and Civilisation Guy said, “Why not?  He is fat.  It’s okay to tell him because he already knows.”

These are the most amusing in the office, the people I get quite a laugh at everyday, but there’s also I Drive a Ford Focus So Everybody Listen to Me Guy, and Trekkie Gamer Nerd Computer Genius Social Life Loser Kid and his sidekick I’m Only Cute Because I Have a British Accent Guy and Pervy Stare Across the Room and Imagine You Naked Man.  Yeah, I work with an interesting bunch.

Never a dull moment for me.